Comprehending the need and importance of addressing in a daily basis the tax issues that may make unfeasible the obtaining and/or maintenance of Tax/Social Taxes Clearance Certificates (CND) Granda Law Firms offers permanent assistance and managing on the clearance of tax/social security issues aiming at pursuing and maintaining CND, offering a customized broad assistance that comprises:
Diligences before administrative bodies to address and solve tax/social security taxes outbreaks that could be concerning the obtaining of clearance certificates (CND);
Preventive monitoring of tax and social security taxes outbreaks by the analysis of related official reports and records;
Legal assisting on the conciliation of tax inconsistencies and on the gathering of related documents and information;
Legal advice and assistance for preparing official requests to review undue tax/social security taxes occurrences;
Assistance on all the necessary and related assessment before administrative bodies;
Preparation of all the necessary defenses and appeals that should be presented before the administrative tax authorities;
Presentation of administrative requested for reviewing unduly confessed tax debits “Pedidos de Revisão de Débito Confessado em GFIP” (DCG);
Assessment on the proper fulfilment of tax obligations necessary to allow the obtaining of tax clearance certificates;
Conciliation of tax collections and tax compensations informed in the electronic declarations GIA, GFIP, DCTF, DACON, DIPJ and other related declarations;
Monitoring of all administrative and judicial file that affects the status of tax and social security taxes regularity of the company.