Legal advice and counselling related to social security taxation law, comprising consulting and litigation and including the following services:
Litigation on administrative and judicial levels, including the analysis and preparation of tax discussions and practice on the related files;
Litigation at the administrative and judicial levels related to specific social security taxation related matters, such as: Fator Acidentário de Prevenção (FAP), Seguro Acidente do Trabalho (SAT/RAT), Nexo Técnico Epidemiológico Previdenciário (NTEP);
Legal auditing related to social security tax files;
Social security tax planning and corporate restructuring focused on social security tax efficiency;
Legal auditing focused on social security tax compliance and identification of related credits;
Social security tax credits recuperation, including credit valuation and preparation of documents for compensation and reimbursement;
Preparation of legal opinion related to social security tax matters, focusing on the analysis of risks and application of related regulation in order to support the decision making;
Assistance for attending tax investigations and presenting related documents and information;